Thursday, March 13, 2008


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Pew Research center
Go to this link for the following articles:
Test of Political Knowledge
Awareness of Iraq War Fatalities Plummets
Public awareness of the number of American military killed in Iraq hasdeclined sharply since last August along with news coverage of the war. Anew Pew News IQ survey provides an updated look at the public's knowledge ofpolitical and world affairs. Read more
How Much Do You Know?
Test your own knowledge of current affairs against that of the broaderpublic before you read the report. Take the test
Primary Watching Clinton Gets Media to Turn Back the Clock
In a strong week for Hillary, the narrative turned on questions about Obama's toughness and speculation about a hopelessly deadlocked contest decided bysuperdelegates. Read more
Down the Ballot
Presidential Primaries May Boost Turnout in Key Governors' Races
Voters in the Tar Heel and Hoosier states will be the first to considergubernatorial contenders at the same time they make their presidentialpreferences. Read more
The Daily Number
80% vs. 36% - Partisan Gap Over Progress in Iraq
A huge partisan gap divides Americans on the question of whether the U.S. ismaking progress in defeating the insurgency in Iraq with 80% of Republicanssaying that it is, but only 36% of Democrats agreeing.

Fort Report
Go to the links for the following articles:
Ferraro cries reverse racism
Race emerges as issue in Democratic campaign
Challenges await incoming NY governor
Where Clinton's 'experience' push hits its limits
HILLARY CLINTON is a remarkable woman whose place in history is alreadyassured; however, the "experience" credentials that she claims to have arequestionable at best. While she had a noteworthy legal career and lived in the White House, she has limited experience as an elected official or executive with ultimatedecision-making powers.

New York Times
Go to the links for the following articles:
As Gold Hits $1,000, Stocks Take a Tumble
Stock markets dropped sharply on Thursday as investors grappled with aprecipitous decline in the dollar, poor retail sales, and an uneasymilestone: $1,000 gold.
New Hope for the Rich
Although Americans are getting poorer, in the Senate, Republicans are readyto do battle on behalf of America's wealthiest families.
Kicking and Screaming Toward Reform
Effective oversight by credible professionals may help repair the tatteredreputation of the House ethics committee.
Bush Warns House on Surveillance
With the House poised to vote today on electronic surveillance legislationthat the White House has said falls far short of its requirements, PresidentBush warned legislators strongly Thursday morning against passing what hecalled "a partisan bill that will undermine American security."
Kidnapped Iraqi Archbishop Is Dead
The body of the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Mosul, Paulos Faraj Rahho,who was kidnapped by gunmen in Mosul in northern Iraq late last month as hedrove home after afternoon Mass, was discovered Thursday in an area south ofthe city, church officials and Iraqi police said.
Pentagon Cites Tapes Showing Interrogations

Washington Post
Go to the links for the following articles:
Gun Battle at the White House? By Robert D. Novak
In preparation for oral arguments Tuesday on the extent of gun rightsguaranteed by the Second Amendment, the U.S. Supreme Court has before it abrief signed by Vice President Cheney opposing the Bush administration'sstance. Even more remarkably, Cheney is faithfully reflecting the views ofPresident Bush.
The government position filed with the Supreme Court by U.S. SolicitorGeneral Paul Clement stunned gun advocates by opposing the breadth of anappellate court's affirmation of individual ownership rights.
A Commander - Who Will Be Missed
Adm. William Fallon was a headstrong blowtorch of a man who spoke truth topower.
Paulson Urges Tighter Oversight
Treasury secretary says mortgage system that put global economy at risk willbe overhauled.
Polish Priest Wins $1.6M Religion Prize
The Rev. Michael Heller, a prolific Polish scientist, author and RomanCatholic priest who bridges disciplines to explore the origins of theuniverse, was named Wednesday as winner of a religion award billed as theworld's richest annual prize given to an individual.


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